Let’s talk politics…

A collection of politically charged works. I’ve always had a fairly political mind but never thought to merge those thoughts with the work I created. It was during my foundation year (2018 - 19) at the University For the Creative Arts, Rochester, that I really began to explore the idea of a political narrative. This theme continued into my later work and informed the subjects I take interest in. This work has been instrumental to my practice, both thematically and stylistically.

Final Major Project 2018-19

Watercolour and pen 2A0 Illustration.

This was the project that started it all. To not be afraid to take conceptual risks.

My research began with an interest in my own historical links to royalty. King Henry II Plantagenet king of England is my 28th great grandfather. This project aimed to explore the ties between the ruling elite of Medieval England and the political control held by those in the 21st century.

'The New Face of Death'

2020 (Left Triptych)

Watercolour and fineliner. (470 x 670 mm)

(Featured in Issue 7 of Artists Responding to zine 2021)

I wanted to jump into some local history with one of my panels. Within my research I discovered so much about my local area in relationship to past plagues.

Watts Alms Houses used to be Rochesters pest house and during the 1700’s those thought to be ill with the plague would have been taken via hospital ship, HMS Duncan, to stay at Dead Man’s Island until their demise. Known as the Brexit pub I turned Watts Alms houses into a Wetherspoons where Death is enjoying a nice pint with plague doctor’s Dominic Cummings and Matt Hancock.

Instead of the classic pub snack of some crisps or nuts, the fellas are enjoying their newly gained Brexit treat. The Tim Tam. As bats rampage through the sky and toilet paper burns to the ground, the pangolin sits and looks up at his fellow creature. Dead fish float in the ocean alongside the masks that will populate our waters more than our friendly jellyfish.

'The New Face of Death'

2020 (Centre Triptych)

Watercolour and fineliner. (470 x 670 mm)

My centre panel depicts Boris Johnson dressed as death himself - scythe at the ready to take his next victim. His stance is in reference to the “Your Country Needs YOU” war posters where Lord Kitchener encouraged young men to join the army. It’s no secret that the Conservative party were particularly slow in their response to the outbreak, and as a result came the harsh realty of a significantly high death rate. Despite this, Boris is still praised by most mainstream media platforms. The “oh he’s not that bad approach” has led to the glorification of minor tasks.

The pound coin halo felt appropriate for the greed that this man exudes. I placed Boris behind his classic stay at home plaque, defacing it with graffiti. Some reading ‘where is your God now?’ focusing on my researching into religious paintings as well as a response to Boris’ own use of slogans to scare people into doing as he says.

The pangolin felt like a necessity, and it also worked as a connecting image to the left-hand panel. Lastly the English rose’s , a symbol of British heritage. The flowers helped to balance the composition of the piece.

'The New Face of Death'

2020 (Right Triptych)

The final, right hand panel features Boris’ right-hand man, Trump. Trump on his Lincoln statue throne, sits happily looking over the chaos he has unleashed upon his citizens with his highly outdated views on race.

Police in riot gear stand at the base of Trump - a reference to the horrific injustices that have faced the black community for far too long. With BLM making some extremely positive strides towards something people still shouldn’t have to be fighting for.

Spray painted fists on the burning car and pride flag that stands tall. So much of gay pride can be attributed to our black brothers and sisters. The car itself is a relatively subtle reference to J.K Rowling’s burning career.

Trump himself is hooked up to two hospital IV’s, both of which have hand sanitiser attached to them. This is in reference to Trump’s suggestion to inject the anti-bac substance as a way to fight COVID-19.

This is the world we live in.

'How to Trump' 2020

Watercolour and screen-print a6 book.

This book was created in response to a university brief in which I had to create a how to guide. I designed and created a book inspired by the Top Trumps game cards, playing on the name and poking fun at all the ways we can be more like Donald Trump. Or not as the case maybe.

'Room in the Cabinet' 2021.

Original illustrations watercolour and pen A4.

'Room in the Cabinet' is a politically adapted version of children's book 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson.

Within the book key characters have been transformed into various members of the conservative party. The book intends to explore societal opinions around women in politics. In particular the relationship between Margaret Thatcher and the symbol of the witch.

