Illustrative Fabric

It was during my final year at university that I really began to consider the future of my work. What was it’s purpose? Did I want it to have a purpose at all, and how would that present itself? With the nature of my dissertation I began exploring surface design, and different ways I can translate my illustrations. Starting with wallpapers and pushing into luxury fabric and textiles. The tactile nature of fabric added depth to my work and a whole new perspective on where I wanted to place that purpose.

Below is my graduation outfit created in collaboration with ImmoralLondon’s Aimee Johnson. The original botanical illustration was created using posca pens on canvas.

Some fabrics are designed from single illustrations but the majority of my pieces are illustrated by hand through various mediums such as cyanotype photography, a mixture of print processes, tattoo inks and watercolour. Each element is scanned in and digitally composed in photoshop. To which I will then have digitally printed onto my, or clients fabric of choice. Typically my work is printed onto 340gsm shimmer velvet.


Botanical Illustration